ACA Patron

Hugh Jackman

As ACA’s Patron, Hugh Jackman welcomes you. As someone whose career training began with ACA and led him to become one of the world’s most famous and sought-after actors, Hugh continues to champion not just ACA, but the arts themselves.

He has his eye on the big picture: the arts’ massive contribution to society and Hugh knows that great training creates great actors.

Hugh graduated from ACA’s full-time acting course in 1991. He proudly accepted the role of Patron in 2007 and continues to support the vision of ACA as he follows his personal commitment to encourage and nurture future Australian artists.

“In 2024, ACA proudly celebrates its 37th anniversary! The outstanding achievements of our graduates have made significant contributions in all areas of entertainment.

The strength of ACA’s reputation within the Australian industry has never been more evident, affirming its unwavering commitment to nurturing talent.”