Flashpoint for Humanity

“We are all living at an extraordinary time in this world. Many beliefs, institutions, policies, systems, doctrines – are failing, and failing fast, and failing dramatically. We will be witnessing this more and more across the globe in the coming months and years. We are seeing the beginning of what could very well be (and […]

11 Questions with Dean Carey

Tell us a little about your journey? I began as an actor in The Sullivans way back in 1977. Then lurked around the sets of PRISONER and SKYWAYS and COP SHOP and learnt as much as I could about acting. I soon became intrigued by the culture of creativity itself and the conditions required for […]

Training Matters

“If you are serious about making acting your chosen career, then vocational industry training is extremely important. Where you train, how you are trained, and what the training consists of, should all be considered. Even though over 200 graduates are released into the industry each year, it all comes down to what happens when the red light […]


“Imagine waking up tomorrow and finding all acting and actors have been banned in your country, a particular country or indeed worldwide. Every actor is now out of work and there is no film, no TV, no theatre, no voice overs, no street performance – zip. Take a moment to get your head around that […]

Why this industry?

“Theatre, film and TV give the world’s population not only a mirror to who we are but a conduit into connecting with our own intrinsic humanity: showcasing the best and the worst of the species, the insane and the angelic. What other space in our world offers this deep and acute sense of self-reflection? I have always believed that […]

The Good and the Great of ‘Breaking Bad’ – the final EP.

“The thrill of blurring the lines that shows characters act as they need to, not as they choose to. ‘Breaking Bad’ – the final frontier… ” As the last image of the last episode of ‘Breaking Bad’ burned into my retina, I saw a man relieved. Walt could finally lay down his heavy load and […]

Takin It To The Streets

As a part of Dean Carey’s Acting Edge Program initiative, each year Dean will be providing 5 FREE ONLINE PROGRAMS to specific organizations around the world who are working with underprivileged youth interested in the performing arts. ACA has sent 5 Online Programs to the Motion Picture Association of Haiti (MPAH) who seek to advocate for […]

3 contributing factors to achieving artistic education of excellence

3 Contributing Factors to Achieving Artistic Education of Excellence: “For almost 40 years of my teaching life, I have been both fascinated and intrigued by what inhibits and what releases an indivudual’s deepest creative drive and achievement. What are the key contributors and/or conspirators which allow someone to step into their rich inner resources and huge untapped potential? 3 essential factors come to mind: […]